Unlock a high-level overview of the 8 pillars that have empowered me to holistically manage my fibromyalgia symptoms and live a life full of energy and free from pain.
You will find valuable resources such as books, websites, and more that support these pillars and complement your journey towards better health.
Expanding on the FREE Resource Guide, Liz delves into the 8 Pillars with this extensive 100-page e-book.
This comprehensive guide features detailed stretches, exercises, energy-clearing techniques, and an array of habits, tips, and tricks Liz has mastered to maintain consistency in applying the 8 Pillars.
Liz also candidly shares her personal challenges in balancing the 8 Pillars and reveals the innovative techniques she uses to boost her chances of success.
Discover in-depth theory, engaging activities, practical techniques, and essential tools to seamlessly integrate the 8 Pillars into your life.
Are you ready to move beyond the pages of our enlightening eBook?
Online Self Paced Learning
Join our immersive online course, designed to take your fibromyalgia management journey to unprecedented heights. This transformative program offers a dynamic and interactive learning experience that goes far beyond traditional reading.
Liz delves deeper into the 8 Pillars, as well as the challenges she faced and the strategies she used to overcome them. She shares a wealth of tips and tricks that contributed to her success.
You’ll find additional demonstrations of stretches, exercises, energy-clearing techniques, and other beneficial habits to help you seamlessly integrate the 8 Pillars into your life.
Practical Exercises
This course includes practical exercises and activities designed to focus your mind and keep you on track, significantly enhancing your chances of success.
Free eBook
Enrol in the course and receive our comprehensive 100-page eBook for free. This essential guide serves as the perfect companion to your learning journey.
Private Online Community
Gain exclusive access to our private online community. Connect with fellow course members, participate in discussions, and receive continuous support as you apply new strategies in your daily life.
Why Choose This Course?
Our online course is meticulously crafted not just to inform, but to transform. By blending scientific knowledge with practical applications and community support, we equip you with the tools to live a fuller, more vibrant life despite fibromyalgia.
Join us now and take the next step towards holistic wellness and empowerment.
I've been treating Liz for approximately 6 years. The improvement in her migraines, pain and muscle spasms are undeniable since committing to the 8 Pillars. There was such a contrast in her symptomatology after she began, I was prompted to enquire what she had been doing differently. I would definitely recommend this approach for chronic pain.
It has been life changing for her.
BSc, Physiotherapy
As a physiotherapist with over 25 years of experience in managing patient with complex pain conditions, I have observed the significant benefits of the holistic health program Fix Your Fibro offers to patients suffering from persistent pain and fibromyalgia. This program employs a biopsychosocial approach, addressing the interconnected biological, metabolic, psychological, and social factors that contribute to these conditions.
This is the perfect resource for patients.
I have recommended it repeatedly.
The first hand experience and candid delivery make this easily digested and ultimately life changing for those who are suffering needlessly.
If the FIx Your Fibro Online Training or E-Book aren't for you, we offer a 30 day money back guarantee, no questions asked.
Please contact Liz at [email protected] if required.